Just let me be me
And I’ll let you be you
People say they are looking for spirituality
Sit in a field
We all have our gifts perceptions truths
Truth, it’s not universal
Its personal unique and individual
When you become yourself
You start to grow up all over again
The great courage is to stand alone
There is nothing that takes more courage
Than just to stand there alone in your
Own authority
This is my life
This is my world
This is my life in this world
And I belong here
The moment I stop interfering
My life comes out
All beings need something to hold on to
What that is
Is themselves
This is the only thing that you are ever going to be truly intimate with in this life
And it’s the only thing that you are ever going to be able to trust
Take what you take from here to give yourself strength to follow your own path
Your path
Nobody else’s
Your way
Nobody else’s
It’s a long path
There will always be those that are there
You’re not really alone
You’re just alone in your inner process
The beauty of life
The beauty of communion
The beauty of sharing
Is all around you
But first
Take responsibility for what it is to be here
Don’t pretend that you are alive
Be alive
Be here
Life is love
Being alive is the expression of love
Its quite beautiful
Live is love
Being alive is the expression of love