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Francesqua Darling

Knowledge isn’t something that someone else has and then deposits into you as if you’re empty. It's reminding you of what you already know!

Liberating a client means creating a space for acts of cognition, not transferrals of information.

I have developed some unique processes to take a client from problem to solution with ease, grace and elegance.

$168 to work with me

Dan Simpson

I am a Meta_Physician, rebel, mystic, student, teacher, healer, improVISIONist & heaARTivist. 


I have roots & branches in Cosmology, Well-Being, Sociology, Psychology, Education & Entrepreneurship. I love un|re|learning & Living Wisdom. I am passionate about Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Sciences and integrating & re-membering within the present, our ancient-future Wisdom - ways of knowing, doing & being - in order to cultivate, imagineer & cocreate living SOULutions.

Tracy Veritas

I am a Meta_Physician, rebel, mystic, student, teacher, healer, improVISIONist & heaARTivist. 


I have roots & branches in Cosmology, Well-Being, Sociology, Psychology, Education & Entrepreneurship. I love un|re|learning & Living Wisdom. I am passionate about Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Sciences and integrating & re-membering within the present, our ancient-future Wisdom - ways of knowing, doing & being - in order to cultivate, imagineer & cocreate living SOULutions.

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