Our Play Groups
for Emotional Mastery.
for Men
$11 per month
MEN, you must declare unceasing war on yourself: your ego and your cowardice
The supreme ART OF WAR is to subdue the enemy without fighting
If your mind is armed with the Art of War, there is no power that can take that away
In our Whatsapp groups we offer a daily curated experience relating to all subjects affecting men in the world today
Anxiety Free
WhatsApp Group
The Anxiety Free Revolution: 30 Days to Transform your Anxiety
If you are ready to break free from anxiety and embrace a life of clarity , then Join The Revolution for an intimate, interactive 30-day journey to anxiety-free living.
✨ Details:
Only 10 spots available
Daily guidance on our anxiety frame
30 days of your Sovereign journey in a whatsapp group
This course will provide a revolutionary approach to utilising the intelligence of your emotions, feeling with power and living authentically.
Spaces are limited. Secure your spot for a transformative journey toward a life free from anxiety! R149 to play.